The LMC has the following statement:
  • We recognise that there are continued problems with the WAST Service and the negative impacts on patient care
  • Whilst we, as per our DATIX statement, encourage you to report all clinical incidents via the DATIX system, we will be bringing this up at each healthboard liaison meeting and asking for it to be a standing agenda item. With that in mind it would be helpful to have some data to go to the health board with
  • There have been references made in the conversations this week regarding issues that people are facing on a daily basis – We encourage you to email your regional rep copying in admin@dplmc.co.uk with the examples as they arise (anonymised and as short as you wish) so they can collate them for presentation at the liaison meetings.
CARMARTHENSHIRE – carmarthenshire@dplmc.co.uk
CEREDIGION – ceredigion@dplmc.co.uk
PEMBROKSHIRE – pembrokshire@dplmc.co.uk
POWYS – powys@dplmc.co.uk