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Cameron Fund

The Cameron Fund is the GPs' own charity.  It is the only medical benevolent fund that solely supports general practitioners and their dependants. We provide support to GPs and their families in times of financial need, whether through ill-health, disability, bereavement, relationship breakdown or loss of employment. We help those who are already suffering from financial hardship and those who are facing it.

Applications are welcome from, or on behalf of, present or former GPs, their families, and dependents. We also welcome referrals from Local Medical Committees and other organisations or individuals who may know of someone who might benefit from support from us.

20240528 Changes to Cameron Fund Support_LMCs.pdf
FINAL Summer Newsletter 2024.pdf


The GPDF exists to ensure representation, influence and support for Local Medical Committees, GPs and general practice.  Updates and further information can be found on their website